Friday, November 20, 2009

Can semen cause skin irritation to the out side of the vagina?

My friend had intercourse with her husband the other night and they both feel asleep before cleaning up and she said the next morning she was itchy and sore where his semen was on her.

Is their acids or anything that could cause it? They don't cheat and they both get STD checks regularly.

Can semen cause skin irritation to the out side of the vagina?
It could be an STD, could be something he ate that changed the acidity of it, Ive even heard of women being allergic to their partner's semen

I'd be on the safe side and ask a doctor.
Reply:it might not be the sperm, remember two forms of liquid come out thru there and if he has very strong urine there could be a reaction to the acidity levels just tell her to clean up every time after sex or it could be painful every time.
Reply:most likely it wasn't the sperm it self but the moisture or dampness that gave her the problem..
Reply:yes it can... have you everseen what semen can do to clothing.. it basically bleaches the spots which have received prolonged exposure to the semen. also ppl can grow allergies to sperm not necessarily break out as soon as it touches them... but just irritation such as.
Reply:I have sensitive skin and have had the very same thing happen to me-I can't explain what caused it-his fluid,mine or a combo but I make sure now to always clean up him %26amp; I b4 dozing off
Reply:she needs to go to her're not supposed to itch...

Normal Semen does not cause irritation of any kind

Urine could cause soreness and redness, but not ITCHY.

It's very simple. ITCHY equals STD !!!

She has an STD. She needs to see a doctor immediately.

My dog has skin irritation got some advice?

I have a 2 year old dalmation mixed with a stray dog, this morning when he woke up I immediately noticed that his torso is severely irritated and red some places more then others. I'm taking him to the vet, but does anyone know what it might be.

My dog has skin irritation got some advice?
If it is hot where you are, it could be heat, but also, it could be from fleas. I use Front Line on my dogs, cause they are Boston Terriers and on the areas where they have white hair, they tend to get really red in the hot summer, unless I use Front Line on them. You might want to get some good shampoo from the vet also.
Reply:the only thing i could think of is maybe like a rash or like you said skin irration!

well i hope your doggy feels better!!!
Reply:He could have fleas. Many dogs have allergic reactions to flea bites and will scratch themselves raw. Use Advantage or Frontline to get rid of them. Otherwise, find a soothing cortesone cream and sray or rub it on the affected area. Try not to let him lick it.
Reply:My dogs have skin problems too. I use Hartz medicated shampoo (it's brown - tar) get it at any store. You leave it on 5-10 mins then rinse. I had to bath them 1-2 times a week initially, now just every other week. Their skin has cleared up and they aren't scratching like they use to. If the problem persist check with your vet.
Reply:It could be a million things, and it is pointless to make suggestions here without having seen the lesions.

Your vet will most probably do a skin scraping and look at it under the microscop.

Take it from there.

Reply:bug bites? allergies to something you use on your carpet/floor cleaning or on your grass???

often rashes are indications of food allergies - avoid BEEF, PORK, SOY, WHEAT, and CORN.
Reply:Ask the vet for some prednisone to take down the irritation. Could have got into chiggers or something like laundry detergent on his bedding will do it. Also the shake N vac powder on your carpets can cause rashes.

Bad case of fleas can cause him to bite at the area and cause the red spots.

How to treat skin irritation from waxing????

I had the middle of my eyebrows waxed (above my nose). i waxed it a several times over and over yesturday and now i have a major red mark there and it burns when i touch it. im actually leaving the country tonite so i really want it to go away by then. what can i do?!?! please help asap!

How to treat skin irritation from waxing????
Try aloe vera (from the plant itself). Most shopping stores (like food stores) sell them in their plant dept. Or get aloe vera gel. For eyebrows, I'd just pluck them. Much less painful, especially if you squeeze the skin between where you are plucking the hairs from. Then you won't feel the pull as much. Waxing hurts.
Reply:Have you moisturised???

And use some foundation to hide the redness...
Reply:you've removed a layer of your skin silly person, that is why any salon you go to will only do one application of wax in any given area. It will remain sore and red while it heals. I suggest you avoid putting anything on it other than an ice pack or you risk making a mess of your skin.
Reply:Just so you know I am giong through aesthetics school and I passed our section on waxing, so no fears about where I am getting my answers from. First, when using soft wax -any wax that requires muslim strips or other other material to take it off- going over the same spot over and over again is a huge mistake, just for future reference! Your skin is very tender right now because you've taken off a good number of layers of skin. What you want to do is to sooth it and keep it calm. The best I would say, and you probably have it in your house, is pure aloe vera gel. Do not apply heat to it, as it will only irritate it further. Although it's going to be several days before you're looking like your old self again, keep your skin cool and soothed for a faster recovery!

Can pawpaw cause skin irritation?

if you are allergic to it...yes

oyster plant

I have a skin irritation on my face what can i use to make it go away?

You need to find out what is causing it - look at your diet, how often you touch your face (and what you have been touching with your hands), what products you are using on your face etc. You ought really to see your doc as there may be a medical solution to your complaint.

I have a skin irritation on my face what can i use to make it go away?
you could use eucerin cream or hydrocortizone cream
Reply:go to the store and get a really good cleanser..get a moisturizer to make the irritation go down..i used goat's milk lotion and exfoliated alot for a skin irritation i had on my helped alot! good luck!

Can you get skin irritation if you don't eat your vegetables?

you dont get it from not eating your vegetables, its just that by eating vegetables and fruits and other stuff, your body is getting proteins, vitamins and that kind of thing, and these things help your body to prevent getting 'irritation' and other stuff

Can you get skin irritation if you don't eat your vegetables?
I very rarely eat vegetables and my skin is just fine.

I have a skin irritation on my hand. What should I use?

I used an anti-fungal ointment but it did not seem to work.

I have a skin irritation on my hand. What should I use?
dont try anything without consulting a doctor! I mean, it could be acid.
Reply:u should use cocoa butter
Reply:Try Using Calimine lotion. Or a lotion wit alo vera.
Reply:Try using hydrocortisone cream. If it itches benadryl with help to relieve the itch.
Reply:Calamine Lotion works best.
Reply:Try these suggestions:

cocoa butter

st. ives

any kind of hand lotion

Try looking online on websites, lotion adds,anything you can find that would work.
Reply:Try using hydrocortisone cream

Very bad skin irritation from lip wax?

what can i do??

Very bad skin irritation from lip wax?
apply hydrocortisone cream on the area.
Reply:Next time make sure to wash ur face with warm water right away when u get home and for now the best thing to use is ice cubes and light coat of anti-bactrial cream this will take away the redness

P.S dont use make up to cover up the irritated area for atlest 2 days this will cause break outs
Reply:you could try drinking water and moisturize your lips to help
Reply:Throw that stuff away because it's just drying out your lips. Use a product that is more soothing like Carmex.


I get skin Irritation That almost anything that comes in Contact?

Why does thidshappen exspeccially around the cheast area, arms, and neck, not clothes, but anything else, how do i prevent, and why?

I get skin Irritation That almost anything that comes in Contact?
Sounds like you have contact dermatitis. Get an allergy test so you know what you need to avoid. Also, get the allergist to give you some good medication.
Reply:Sometimes that happens if you (believe it or not) take too many showers. You know, like if you wash your hands too much and they get really dry and hard. It's possibile that you could have some sort of parasite in your skin, like what happens when someone gets athlete's foot. Whatever you think it is, don't be afraid to ask a doctor!!!

What causes skin irritation and hair loss and how do you stop it?

my dog is really itchy and has bald spots

What causes skin irritation and hair loss and how do you stop it?
There can be a few things. It may be your dogs diet-if the food doesn't have the proper nurtients in it the dog may have really dry skin-there for the itching and scratching-which leads to the hair loss. I have a lab who I have to feed scrambled eggs 2/3 times a week and every so often i put a teaspoon of sunflower oil in with his food. This helps his dry skin and his coat. If this doesn't work he might have hotspots-contact your vet and they will be able to give you some ointment to put on them. They MIGHT also have something at a local pet store. Be sure not to bath your dog often..once every few months is perfect. The shampoo/water drys thier skin out.
Reply:It can be a number of things...mange and/or allergies is the first thing that pops into my head. You will need to have a skin scraping done..the vet will take a tiny sample from you dog and observe it under a microscope for any parasites. Mange can be treated if caught on time.

The vet may want to switch your dog's food, to see if that is the prblem, or he/she may even prescribe some antihistamines, it all depends.

One last thing, it could be hot spots...if these are shaved and cleaned, they usually heal on their own.
Reply:It cd be food allergy but then it cd be because of shedding during summer and they itch when they shed, and because of that there may be spots because the new fur is not out yet.How old is your dog and how long has this been going on?
Reply:one of the main things i have found that cause that would be ring worm the best thing to do is take him to the vet and have him evaluated then he will be given a treatment that will stop that!!!
Reply:This could be many things. It could be that he is allergic to something or maybe has mange or fleas. If he is very itchy, then give him a brush and sit down with him when he is tired and relaxed. Search his hair and then maybe it would be best to go to the vets.
Reply:stop leting you dog in and out of the house when the air is on pluse you dog mite have a allergey take it to the vet
Reply:Like someone else said, it can be due to a number of things and you should have an evaluation/exam done by a qualified vet. Sometimes contact allergies are the cause, but more often you see dogs with food allergies present like this and dogs that have flea allergy. Dogs are most commonly allergic to grains in dog food and you might try a dog food such as EVO (made by Natura) that has no grains. If fleas are the problem, do a search and decide what flea control product would work best for you. I, personally, prefer Advantage for my three dogs.

Good luck with your dog - I know it's upsetting to see them in this condition.
Reply:hotspots. We went to walmart and they have this stuff in the dog section its a yellow liquid in a clear bottle i forget what its called just apply that to the spots and they should clear up
Reply:maybe allergies or flees. If you bath the dog often you may not be getting all the soap you use out of it's fur or bathing it to often which doesn't allow the skin oils to redevelop properly. and it could be that the dog is not getting the right nutrition.
Reply:I pd $3200 for a solid white english bulldog and when she was less than a yr my husband bathed her in AXE shampoo. Needless to say.... all of her fell out. I had this bald, pink fat dog. Anyhoo.... took her to the vet and he put this collar on her. Looked like a generic flea collar, but it worked. We now only bathe her w/baby shampoo.

I suggest you call the local vet and get some professional advise. Doesn't sound very good, but then again it could be really simple!
Reply:My dog has the same problem. It could be many different things. But i think she was allergic to fleas! I gave her a bath in flea shampoo and her hair started growning back! I have a chocolate lab and someone else said the same thing was wrong with their lab, they took theirs to the vet.
Reply:This happened to my Sassy a few months ago. She had a little bald spot just in front of her left ear. I took her to the vet and had a skin scraping test plus an allergy shot that cost ,in total, $80. The test was negative (of course). A few weeks went pass and nothing happened. Didn't clear up or anything. The all of a sudden it went away on it's own. But just to be sure, you should take your love in to be checked out. You never know. Good luck!
Reply:Take your dog to the vet to be assessed. I did and found out that my beagle had a mite that caused itchiness and hair loss. The vet gave him a dose of flea medication and I gave him another dose a week later. After 2 doses that problem was gone.
Reply:I know with my dog it was caused by letting them eat a low quality food. I switched to an all natural type like California Natural - Lamb and Rice. The lamb and rice it higher in fat so I limited the food I fed her. I also bought Safflower oil ( you can buy it at any grocery store ) and poured a little over her food each day. This cured the problem. I hope that helps you out some, I learned this AFTER i took her to the vet several times and spent over $200!!!!!!!
Reply:Complicated issue = could be food allergy, flea dermatitis, allergy to something in your home or yard.

First thing you need to make sure your dog is on a monthly flea preventative, every month without fail, Frontline, Advantix - ask your vet.

Secondly, feed a good quality dry dog food, with meat the first product, not corn or grain. In other words, no supermarket stuff or Walmart. Read the ingredients on the food, look for meat and no chemicals or fillers.

Then take your dog to your vet and have him checked for any obvious manges or allergies.

There are medications for skin problems, chief of which are mild steroids like prednisone which work very quickly to alleviate the problem, but you still need to get to the root of it.

Benadryl can help with the itching, and is over the counter.

Good luck, keep on this until your dog is comfortable, this can be very irritating to your dog.
Reply:We have a cat in the family that gets like that often and a dog that kind of begins to scratch then forgets to stop. Our vet gives us shots of Pretnazone (spelling???) and it helps tremendously. But ask your vet for best results.

Also be sure your house isn't too dry for them or doesn't have bugs that make them itchy.
Reply:It might have tics, mites or fleas. Take it to the vet.
Reply:your dog should see a vet there are many things that make that happen and with out seeing the dog no one would really be able to give you advice with out seeing the dog.
Reply:as i said before, have your dogs thyriod checked, if all else fails. It is one of the most common form of hot spots and very inexpensive to treat.
Reply:hi, are the dry spots moist?

your dog could have HotSpots,its a skin

irritation,its usually caused by feeding yhe

dog human food, or poor quality dog food.

there is medicine,or use a antifungi cream

that humans use its cheaper %26amp; works.

Reply:You should take ur dog to the vet there might be alot of reasons

Remedy for skin irritation?

The underwire on my bra was chafing and now it is very red and irritated...Almost Raw :( Is there any way I can get rid of this without having to go braless?

Remedy for skin irritation?
the best remedy I found was eucerin cream. it helps chafed or dry skin. Apply it regularly and never wear your bra at home so it can breath and heal.
Reply:get a bra without an underwire 'sports'
Reply:victoria secerts makes underwire bras with soft underpadding now instead of wire and use gold bond lotion or powder to help with the chafing
Reply:Remove the underwire. Just make a little slit at the end of the wire and it slips out.
Reply:sport bra is the answer.
Reply:Try Desitin diaper rash oinment. Or corn starch or baby powder. But I think you will have to go braless for a little while.
Reply:get a mild hydrocortisone cream from your chemist

Trisodium Phosphate skin irritation?

My husband is a plumber and got some tsp between his fingers. now they are irritated, red and flaky. what can he put on them to sooth and heal?

Trisodium Phosphate skin irritation?


Pneumonia and Skin Irritation?

Hey everyone. I was recently hospitalized for pneumonia and the doctor gave me antibiotics. So far things are okay, but just now I started getting bumps on my thighs. They're small and they arose in clusters. There aren't a lot of them, and I don't think they're pus-filled. I'm wondering if this was caused by the antibiotic or something else. I don't think anything bit me and they're only on my thighs, not anywhere else. I don't know if my pneumonia has anything to do with it, but if someone can tell me something before I go to the doctor, I'd very much appreciate it. I'm 17 years old. Thanks!

Pneumonia and Skin Irritation?
May also be a staph infection. Check with your Dr.
Reply:It could be a rash caused by the antibiotic or the pneumonia itself.

Have a skin irritation that isn't going away, been checked for STD's and have been negative, help!!?

should i see a dermatologist? i have been checked for std's and have been negative. it keeps coming back down there.

Have a skin irritation that isn't going away, been checked for STD's and have been negative, help!!?
It may just be excema or a rash cause by heat or moisture.

For the next while - keep it clean, use a very mild soap or shampoo and rinse thoroughly. Wear cotton skivvies, or looser clothing. Try not to itch. If you aren't already - try trimming yourself. This will help it stay drier.

If it doesn't get better, then do see a dermatologist.
Reply:You should see a Doctor it could be something more serious
Reply:do you sleep with pants on?? your sweat can cause you to break out in hives also you drier sheets or washer soap may be causing an irritation :) i have been through this b4 i knew it wasn't an std cuz i am not sexually active i have never been if you have questions or comments e mail my via yahoo answers
Reply:it could be an infected hair..i had/ have those sometimes and they're painful.. keep it clean and dry
Reply:The fact that you think its an STD give me the inclination that whatever is happening is in the groin area. If it is itchy and irratating it may be a fungus. You most likely would have to talk to your GP about it to get a professional opinion, but most likely he would prescribe an anti-fungal for you as fungi do go away and come back as your body tries to get rid of it.

I have skin irritation on my bikini are, is not that itch or anything, it is always litle black dot, n pimple?


i think it could be due to kind of cloth irritation

or as you say its not itch so chances of any kind of allergy and irritation by fabric are very little,

usually a black dot and pimple can occur in many conditon like small cyst or any kind of warts,so better consult dermatologist,

do you have any other synptoms like fever,pain,burning sensation during urination,any discharge from genital area,,

if yes then you should consult doctor,

thank you very much

I have skin irritation on my bikini are, is not that itch or anything, it is always litle black dot, n pimple?
Ask your doctor.
Reply:maybe an ingrown hair
Reply:You probably just have mild razor burn. And the little black dots might just be your hair that you are seeing just under the skin. Or it could just be that your skin is irritated from your undergarments. Try using hydrocortizone cream.

Can nail polish cause skin irritation?

Yes, it can be irritating, especially if you have sensitive skin. There are some gentler formulas on the market (for example Nicole, by OPI, is toluene free). Make sure to get some non-acetone polish remover, which can be more gentle than regular remover. Wash your hands with soap and water as soon as you nail polish is off, and that should keep your skin from being as irritated. Also, if you have hang nails or other already-irritated areas around your nails, hold off on the polishing until they heal up.


Is skin irritation and itchy bumps normal after delivery? I have 4 week old sweet baby girl?

your body just went thru a tremendous change and won't be back to "normal" for a long time. You may be lacking certain vitamins especially if you are breast feeding. If you are stressed ( and with a new born you probably are) and lacking sleep these bumps might be hives (brought on by stress). Try using a natural moisturizer after showering as well. Tell your Dr. about this at your 6 week check up. Sometimes you may become allergic to a certain food that you weren't allergic to before you were pregnant. I have allergies to milk after my second child. Good luck with your baby!!

Is skin irritation and itchy bumps normal after delivery? I have 4 week old sweet baby girl?
its possible, i never did though. u have 2 weeks than you have a 6 week check up so maybe wait and speak to ur GP about it when you have your check up

Skin irritation with 20 mth old?

seems just recently my son who is 20 mths old , mainly in the evening time would rub his hands together as if he was scratching them ..After that they would become all red..I cant seem to describe it but now his hands are peeling, fingers and all and his palms feel like leather, i took him to his ped. and he basically tried to say that im doing something diff, it has gotten my concern bc he is my 3rd child and never have i seen this before, anyways he prescribed something called cultivate and told me to switch to dove .. does this sound like something anyone else has went through , and do you think it is something that i am doing within the house???

Skin irritation with 20 mth old?
It could by anything from laundry soap to the dish soap you are using. Check and see if you notice the rash anywhere else on his body. If it is not anywhere else than it is something that he is getting into. Say he is touching the dog or got into the cleaning products (by accident of course). It could be anything that he has gotten into. Hope you figure it out that sucks for the little man.
Reply:Skin peeling and and of itself isn't worrisome some people go through periodic "sheddings". I do and my son has at times.

However the skin shouldn't feel like leather and it shouldn't really be that irritated.

Its hard to say what is causing it, with it being both the hands and the feet my first thought would be not getting enough fluids, and certainly encouraging your child to drink a little more (not excessively) wouldn't be harmful.

The next question would be allergies I guess, but the soles of the feet tend to be the last places to react to things like soaps because the skin is thickest. It wouldn't hurt to eliminate dyes and perfumes (which dove won't do). And limit how much soap you use.

For a moisturizer olive oil is a million times better than anything else you can buy. It has natural vitamins and minerals and is said to balance the skin pH. I know several dermatologists have recommended it for "kitchen dermatitis" (I used to work for a catering company). Any olive oil with no added ingredients (some have antifoaming agents and other chemicals) is fine. Organic may have some benefits but olives are not normally a high pesticide crop. Cocoa butter and shea butter may be useful as well, but they have a bigger potential to be allergens.

Sometimes leathery skin on the hands and feet seem to correspond to digestive problems. Irritation of the digestive track can cause minor deficiencies. Probiotics are safe for toddlers so either active bacteria culture yogurt, or you can get pills. The powder in probiotic capsules tastes sweet and most kids will just eat it if you drop it on their tongue. There are also shelf-stable dissolvable forms but they tend to be more expensive.

If none of that works you might want to consider allergy testing and looking into eliminating foods from the diet, but I think that should generally be a last resort -particularly for toddlers who may not accept a wide range of foods to start with.

Skin irritation on my German Shepherd...?

There are four spots on my German Shepherd pup, under his front pits and next to his fixed testicle sacks. There is a reddish spot about an inch long and about 1/4 of an inch wide under each pit and next to each testicle sack, along with a small amount of scabing. They get better, and then get worse, never going away all together. Any idea what this could be, and what would assist in getting rid of it. Thanks...

Skin irritation on my German Shepherd...?
My GS has the same thing under his pits and on his elbows and I finally asked my vet because it just wouldn't go away. It's kind of like a rug burn and is probably from the way your dog lays down and gets up. You just have to watch and make sure it doesn't turn into an open wound and get infected or anything. I put Neosporin on the spots when they seem to be getting more irritated.

Skin irritation question?

I have psoriasis, and it only affects my scalp and nails. Recently I came upon a strange rash like mark on my hip. It looked like exema but didn't feel like it. Now it's turned into a psoriasis looking thing, but doesn't feel or scab/flake like it, any ideas on what it could be?

Skin irritation question?
I have the same problems. You can purchase tea tree oil at Walmart and add some to your shampoo for your scalp. Use it a couple of times a week -let it set on your head for about 3 minutes (small bottle is about $5 and you only add about a teaspoon to a few ounces of shampoo -in a separate bottle) you will not believe the difference. It's strong though so you might want to rinse well and shampoo again with regular shampoo and use conditioner. As for the patch on your hip I get a retinal cream at vitamin world at the mall (expensive) but it is really good for the very dry areas -I can't find anything else to work.
Reply:Does it itch? If so, I am allergic to the rivits that hold the pockets on jeans...that kind of sounds like what you may be experiencing. I have to put tape on the inside of all those rivits on my jeans so I don't break out in a rash. If not, I have no idea. :o) Good luck


Skin irritation that goes away and comes back?

About three or four days ago I woke up at around 3 in the morning, my neck itching really bad. I have cats and thought they just got fleas, so I ignored it until I had to get up at six for work. When I went into the bathroom, about five minutes after I got up, it was totally gone. No itching and no redness or bumps. I thought maybe I dreamt it, but later that day I laid down in my bed to read and it happened again. I thought it was my pillow, so I tossed it and bought a new one. For good measure, I also changed my sheets and took a shower JIC it was something that got on me. But it kept happening, whenever I laid down, My face and neck (mostly, also my arms and upper back) itched and turned red, sometimes with little bumps but when I get up from my bed for five minutes its gone completely. The weathers been good so my windows open but its been open before and never (in my 21 years) has this ever happened before. There are no bugs, my room is clean and my cats have been treated for fleas. Does anyone know what this is??

Skin irritation that goes away and comes back?
I'd say it's the detergeant you're washing your sheets/pillowcases in.
Reply:Maybe it's eczema or bedbugs.
Reply:Definitely sounds like an allergic reation to something on your bed. Have you changed detergents? You can go to the doctor and they can do allergy tests to determine exactly what you have reactions too.
Reply:I'd guess it's bed bugs or the detergent you are using, or maybe even the washing machine isn't rinsing all the detergent out of your bedspreads.

Try a new hypo-alergenic detergent and rinse your bedspreads twice though the washing machine. If this doesn't work, it's time to concider an air mattress which many people think are more comfortable than the regular ones anyway. Concider that a regular mattress is twice it's original weight after 5 years of use because it's so full of body oils, grime and microscopic organisms.

Skin irritation around the penis?

what is your question?

Skin irritation around the penis?
My bf sometimes says that I'M the irritation around his penis...

Reply:1 of 2 things, your underwear is too tight and you masturbate too much, take a break and buy boxers

emma j...

too funny, had to laugh...sorry for the b/f
Reply:Sorry - you really have to give us a bit more of a um - description (?) here!
Reply:and your question is..??

If you have skin irritation around your genitalia, don't handle it on your own. Seek medical attention no matter how embarrassing it seems. These vital "organs" can be seriously damaged from things that seem so minor. Go see your Primary Physician, and if you don't have access to him try a clinic or in the worst case scenario an ER.
Reply:Firstly speak to a doctor in order to determine if it is serious.

My advice as a non-doctor is get circumcised if you are not already.
Reply:Oh, oh, oh, oh,
Reply:change your washing powder
Reply:It could be your Nylon Underpants try Cotton ones, Washing Powder causing an Allergic Reaction try another brand, Hurriedly putting away your Willie without drying it with Tissue thus causing an Irritation by Build up of Wetness on Willie and Trousers at the Fly and Wetness Lodging under Foreskin, To much Masturbation can cause Irritation and Infection or Pimples by your Dirty Nails . Or it could be STD. You will have to see the Doctor we cannot Help you I am afraid.
Reply:You didn't catch it in your zip, did you?
Reply:take a freakin shower....scrub your junk really good

Skin irritation from washing hair?

whenever i wash my hair my face and shoulders go bright red and gets really hot. I've tried almost every shampoo and conditioner out there, even totally organic stuff. Nothing works. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance

Skin irritation from washing hair?
You can get prescription shampoo and body wash. You must go to the Dr. and get this looked at. Another issue, could be the water temperature or water quality. Something could be in it...has this always happened or just started?
Reply:wow, tough one. I'd see a dermatologist
Reply:You might want to check out a dermatologist to help you find the root of the problem. It sounds like you are very allergic but shampoos can have so many ingredients and a specialist can help you.

Years ago, I worked at a place years ago that had a shampoo that had formaldahyde in it. It used to make my hands raw. Why would someone put an ingredient used to embalm the deceased is beyond me?

Skin irritation problem from flea bites?

about a month ago my dog was infected from fleas when he stayed at the kennel. I am quite certain that I have eliminated any fleas in my house but I was bitten. now a month later I can still see red bumps on my legs. I admit I have scratched when I 1st got them but they no longer really itch but the red bumps still remain. how long will they remain? anyone ever have this problem??

Skin irritation problem from flea bites?
Go to ( ) This stuff is great! And all natural to.Its been helping other people alot.Go check it out, and see for yourself. You wont be sorry.
Reply:The insect bite page below discussed different types of bites.


Skin irritation caused by moth??

MOTH problem! My friend was hit by a moth which flew into her neck. now, she's breaking out in a rash which is spreding towards her chest and face areas. the rashes appear in randomm patches, and are small red bumps which are itching like anything. we suspected it might be because of the moth, but we're not sure. any idea what we can do?

Skin irritation caused by moth??
Maybe the moth first landed on poison ivy or poison oak and transfered that to her neck which is causing the rash. Something is definately irritating her. Try an over the counter creme to stop the itching. But also consult a doctor if it gets worse.
Reply:See a doctor. A few rashes aren't bad but swelling can life threatening. If it is spreading then it means that it is getting worse. I think calamine (sp?) lotion will work great for reducing the itching but if it continues or worsens see a doc.

Skin irritation after shaving?

I've always shaved with electric shavers. But I tried using a razor a few times, and the results were not so great. It's fine for about a day or two, but then it gets itchy and I get these little white pimples. Also, If I try to shave again that way within 2-3 days, I get blood all over my face. What am I doing wrong? I tried aftershave, but it doesn't seem to solve the problem.

Skin irritation after shaving?
after shave burns the skin, if you can keep a sharpe razor handy always and shave eevery 3 days if possible, shower to soften that beard first
Reply:you may be allergic to the after shave you are using, or the shaving cream you apply while shaving. get unscented kind of creams for sensitivity and don't use any aftershave. if their is irritated bumps on your face still, ask your doctor about it, but in the meanwhile, don't shave over them.
Reply:I would just use the electric razor.

I unfortunately have been cursed with skin irritation. I shaved with a razor for 13 years before switching to an electric razor. I would always get these bumps (not really on my face, but my neck was always screwed). It's a mixture of irritated skin and in-grown hairs. They also take awhile to go away. I would use products but they didn't help much.

Then I started using an electric razor (Norelco 9170 XL) and it became significantly much better. Granted the elec. razor doesn't get it as smooth as a regular razor but I am happy to say that I am bump-free (for the most part). I'll usually use my electric razor for three days and then after the third day I use a regular razor (AFTER using the elec. razor) WITHOUT shaving cream (just water...shaving cream can irritate skin too) to go over it just to clean it up better (because the elec. razor doesn't do that great of a job on my neck). and have had great results. That 3 day time period allows to skin to heal without getting irritated (shaving everyday irritates everyday and gets worse).

Good luck.
Reply:Shave after you shower, or at least wash your face first with hot water. It softens the beard and your skin. Use a shaving cream for sensitive skin. Make sure you're using a sharp clean blade. Rinse off the razor frequently as you shave. The stubble gets stuck in between the blades and causes irritation. Blades don't last forever. I haven't found a brand yet that lasts more than 5 shaves without irritating my face. Instead of aftershave, use a conditioning lotion.

Skin irritation by acrylic nail...?

i love having acrylic nails but everytime i get them 3-4 days later my finger tips turn a little brown, then crack and it hurts extremely. Is this just an allergies, fungus or what? HELP PLEASE

Skin irritation by acrylic nail...?
I've had my tips turn brown but never had it crack or hurt. After only three or four days, that's pretty unusual especially if you're taking care of your nails. You might have an allergy to the acrylic.

Gel nails are a nice alternative and usually cost about the same amount for a fill. (Though I have heard they do not last quite as long.) You might want to try those instead.

Skin irritation during the master cleanse?

i recently did the master cleanse (10 day fast) and after the third day my upper lip and around my mouth turned red and tight (dry), think bozo the clown (pink around the mouth) . it's gotten better (7 days later) but still a little pink and tight only on the upper lip. i've done the cleanse before and this didn't happen... some other factors are i was in a house without a/c in the texas hillcountry (95 degrees inside) and sweating a lot, rubbing my upper lip often.... i don't know what else it could be, maybe i had lime or salt residue on my fingers and it irritated, but i'd think it'd be gone by now.

the fast consisted of drinking fresh squeezed lime juice with 2 tbs of maple syrup and a dash of cayenne pepper with 8oz of water, 6 times a day.

has anyone experienced something like this on the master cleanse, or any other cleanse?

Skin irritation during the master cleanse?
rubbing your upper lip probably irritated, but perhaps you were dehydrated - you need to drink A LOT of water on the Master Cleanse. Also, after you handle the lemon and cayenne, wash you hands - those could easily irritate the skin.

The other thing is it could just be part of your body's response to the cleanse - the cleanse causes your body to purge toxins and some times that can show up in breakouts and rashes.
Reply:I haven't, but try cortisone, it'll help.
Reply:They say it's the "fasting crisis" where toxins are eliminated from your system. Everyone reacts differently.


What skin irritation makes a person itch uncontrollably and makes thick welps on skin.?

Skin irritation and itching can come from a variety of problems. Allergies to foods are common but are usually easy to diagnose after it occurs after eating the same food or same ingredient in a food. The only bad thing is the reaction usually gets worse ease time you are exposed. Contact allergies can come from detergents, perfumes or anything else that contacts your skin. PSoriasis is a skin condition that causes itching and severe dryness and flaking of the skin but not welts. Last but not least, I have seen people break out in hives and itching dwhen they get really nervous. The most important thing to know is when to seek treatment. Benadryl may provide the answer, but if the you have a true anaphylactic (allergic) reaction involing your airway you could be minutes from death if not treated appropriately.

What skin irritation makes a person itch uncontrollably and makes thick welps on skin.?
Reply:poison ivy
Reply:Sounds like allergic reactin. Take benadryl. If that doesn't help, go to the doctor
Reply:Welts? Well, it cold be a LOT of different thing; the most common would be an allergy (contact dermatitis or allergy to something you've ingested [eaten]). Then again, I had really bad itching when I took some antibiotics and had welts all over, too.. go to your doc or the er or minor er to get this checked, immediately!
Reply:sounds like poison oak or poison ivy
Reply:sounds like scabies - little bugs that burrow under the skin and make you itch. very contagious. you should see a doctor- there is a cream that you can get to apply and leave on for 12 hours to kill the bugs, and you need to wash all your bed linens and clothing in VERY hot water. and there other things your doc will tell you to do if it IS scabies. but you need to be diagnosed first. good luck!

Painfull Sensitivity on right arm/right side of body, no sign of rash/swelling but feels like skin irritation?

Hey it's probably nothing but for 3-4 days I have had a weird painful sensitivity on my right side. It started on my right upper back, then moved down my right arm (mostly on the underside) and recently a little bit on my right side of my chest.

When you touch it, it feels like it would if you were touching skin that had a rash or was severely irritated...I have no rash or swelling though. It feels like it is on the surface, so skin or nerve problem going on? It is not a tingling, it is not I didn't have a stroke! I'm 25 by the way, in good shape, don't smoke, eat well, etc...

Any ideas?

Painfull Sensitivity on right arm/right side of body, no sign of rash/swelling but feels like skin irritation?
You might be in the early stages of herpes zoster (shingles). A lot of times you will have pain and sensitivity before an actual outbreak. If the outbreak occurs, see a doctor ASAP to get started on some medicine.

Best of luck!

Do you know of any why to prevent razor bumps and/or skin irritation from shaving?

My girlfriend suggested that i shave the hair on my stomach right above the penis. But i have sensitive skin, is there any way that i can do this without getting razor bumps?

Do you know of any why to prevent razor bumps and/or skin irritation from shaving?
Nope... unless you want to try waxing which is very painful. Razors will give you the irritation, but the longer you do it the less you may get. I have a somewhat similar problem, but its not the hair above my penis because I don't have one. :D

Well bald is better! haha
Reply:gross dude
Reply:use an electric shaver or get shaving gel for sensitive skin and get a better razor...just wait till she asks you to shave further down...if you get my drift
Reply:Apply deodorant/antiperspirant solid to the area after shaving and for a few days after wards.

Something like SECRET solid. It works, trust me.

PS: You ever notice how most girls do not have razor bumps in their underarm area?? Now you know why.

Could this be an std symptom or maybe just a rash or skin irritation?

on the side of the pines next to the head is red and very hard like a calluse,the skin is peeling like crazy,it just started 2 days ago and its the size of a pea,it is not getting any worse but it doesent seem to get better, it looke very dry,there is no bumps or anything else strange

Could this be an std symptom or maybe just a rash or skin irritation?
why dont you go see a doctor I'M SURE HE/SHE CAN TAKE CARE OF IT.


I heard suntan oil can clog pores and possibly cause skin irritation... is this true??

and is there an oil that doesnt clog pores (my skin is sensitive so it gets irritated easily, but im also pale and would like some color...but im not planning on baking myself, i just want a nice healthy glow) i would try sunless tanning but ive seen tanning lotions turn some people orange... not interested in becomin an oompa-loompah...

and will i still tan if i wear sunscreen under the tanning oil??... just to be safe

I heard suntan oil can clog pores and possibly cause skin irritation... is this true??
yes, many of them will clog your pores %26amp; cause problems. BUT, sun exposure on your face will also cause skin breakouts. I also have fair sensitive skin %26amp; any color I receive from the sun costs me in breakouts, burns, freckles %26amp; sun spots. best think would just to use a bronzer if all you want is a little color/glow.
Reply:Yes it is true especially those self tanners are known for causing skin breakouts.
Reply:any type of oil can clog pores, if you want to tan, use a mosturizing lotion without oils in it and a SPF of around 20, this will still allow you to tan, but it will block the harmful rays. It will just take you longer to get color. There are some good sunless tanners out there, it is just a matter of finding a high quality one.
Reply:Very True

I have tried ortho evra and had a bad skin irritation from not being able to take the patch off.?

The patch was so hard to take off that once I got it off my skin was really red and irritated. I was also getting my period every three weeks instead of every four. I am now using loestrin 24 fe. It screws up my period too. Has anyone tried the contraceptive shots or the ring? If so, how do they work? I don't think the pill is for me. I keep forgetting to take it and my period is going crazy!!! Help.

I have tried ortho evra and had a bad skin irritation from not being able to take the patch off.?
The Novaring works great! You only have to take it out and put a new one in once a month. Im HORRIBLE with taken pills. Shots are bad. I didnt like them but some people are different and loved it. Try to Ring I think you will like it...
Reply:don't do it. go buy the book by Suzanne Somers: Ageless: The Naked Truth About Bioidentical Hormones. buy it at the book store, amazon or ebay. it will tell you that women should never take the pill.


Birth Control Pills and Breast Cancer

November 22nd, 2006

As Dorian noted in NewsSquawk a few weeks back, a meta-analysis of breast cancer data recently revealed a statistically significant correlation between use of the contraceptive pill prior to full-term pregnancy and premenopausal breast cancer.

I finally got a moment to hop over to Procedings, the journal of the Mayo Clinic that reported on the study, and while the article itself is limited to subscribers, the editorial that offers analysis on the findings is open to all.

First off, I was amazed to read that the International Agency for Research on Cancer, which is part of the World Health Organization, categorized the contraceptive pill as a carcinogen in 2005. Granted, I’ve been a bit baby absorbed for the last couple of years, but I cannot believe I never read this news anywhere. Did it get any press? If not, why not?

Now for the findings…it appears that women who have ever used birth control pills have a ”small but statistically significant increased risk of breast cancer”. Furthermore, use of the Pill before having one’s first full-term pregnancy is more strongly associated with breast cancer than being on the Pill after having delivered a baby. The association is even stronger where these pre-baby Pill users were on birth control pills for four years or more. (The editorial further notes, “A higher risk of breast cancer for OC use before first full-term pregnancy was first described more than 25 years ago by Pike et al…” - again, I’m very surprised that evidence linking the Pill and breast cancer has been uncovered for so long, with so little press.)....

Posted by MommaSteph.


from Suzanne's book:

Those of us who were on the original birth control pills for any length of time were actually on synthetic hormones- strong synthetic hormones. Any wonder why women of our generation are under siege from an epidemic of breast and ovarian cancers? There is a link, and you'll learn more about it in this book.

Read on and see if you relate to my scenario: As I said, for twenty-two years, I was on synthetic birth control pills, the original ones that were very strong. I even manipulated my periods with them, if I didn't want to have a period on a particular weekend. I just didn't realize what was in those birth control pills, nor did I understand the dangers of messing with nature.

I did not realize that having only a two-day bleed meant that I was not ovulating fully. At the time, I thought it was great to have such a light period. I did not realize that the importance of ovulation in the human female body is to let the brain know that I was well, healthy, and reproductive. As far as my brain was concerned, I was not reproductive because I was not fully ovulating. An ovulating woman is a reproductive woman.

To believe that the body is not fully ovulating is a dangerous assumption for the brain to make. If the brain perceives us as unable to reproduce, its job, biologically speaking, is to try to eliminate us to make room for the reproductive ones. This is the nature in us. This is the template that was programmed in us from ancient times. Thus, this hormonal imbalance that I unknowingly put myself in was creating a backdrop for cancer. Why? Because we all have cancer in us, but as long as we are hormonally balanced, the brain perceives us as young, strong, and healthy. If we become imbalanced, this signals to the brain that the reproductive system is no longer in working order, and it is in this scenario that the cancer has a chance to come into being.

You see, cancer proliferates in an environment of hormonal imbalance. This is why I believe that Western medicine's standard of care, well-meaning as it is, is treating us incorrectly. Western medicine is looking at everything except the obvious. Western medicine is trying to poison the cancer out of us, further wreaking havoc with our hormonal systems.

Then, to prevent recurrence, we are given hormone ablation drugs such as tamoxifen or Femara, which interfere with the body's ability to read the hormones in some parts of the body. Plus, for many women these drugs cause horrible side effects. To me, it doesn't make sense to take any drug that prevents new hormones from being made in our bodies or to kill off any of the little bit of hormones we might have left. Why has Western medicine been trying to outthink nature? We are given fake hormones that don't replicate exactly what our bodies make naturally, and doctors are expecting them to work in the same way or better. It hasn't worked. Look around. Are the women you know doing well from midlife on? Most everyone has complaints, from mild to severe. No wonder women are in such bad shape.

Once you understand the importance of your brain perceiving the body as reproductive--our "brain template"--it will be easier for you to make decisions for yourself. We assume that the professionals who are taking care of us know what they are doing. But they can't know what they haven't been taught, and unless you find yourself a doctor such as the ones....


Should you use TCP to treat a skin irritation?

I live with a girl who swears by it but My God I hate the smell and I want to convince her its actually Bad for her skin.... it has to be as it is so strong and the amount she uses.... It stinks out the whole house... for days!!!!!

Should you use TCP to treat a skin irritation?
I would'nt use it for a rash,but it's un-beatable when it comes to treating insect bites
Reply:What is TCP? In my world, TCP stands for Transcutaneous Pacing, and no, you would not want to use it on a skin iritation.

Why don't you suggest she use Gold Bond lotion, or some kind of lotion with aloe vera and oatmeal (very soothing to the skin). Has she tried over the counter hydrocortisone cream (good for itching)? How about Benedryl gel (for itching). For a irritation (with no itching) plain petroleum jelly tends to work well for me.

Hope this helps!

What should you use when you have skin irritation cause by facial foam washer?

the skin is irritated and swellen!

What should you use when you have skin irritation cause by facial foam washer?
most foaming face washes contain an ingredient "cocomidyl pro...betaine". this same ingredient is in shampoos (human %26amp; dog), %26amp; also laundry detergent. the manufacturer thinks the public wants "foam" so they give it to you. this ingredient was "Allergen of the Year" a couple of years ago. what that means is that many people are allergic to it %26amp; their skin will be irritated by it. you can look for the ingredient on product labels or just stay away from foaming products.

i would buy a 1% hydrocortizone cream (not ointment) %26amp; use it for 2-3 days to bring down the redness. do not use any longer as it is not designed for faces %26amp; will cause "steriod acne" with long term use.

good luck!
Reply:start using cetaphil, it is the most gentle and mild face soap.
Reply:If it genuinely has been caused by this product, I would suggest you have a good claim against the manufacturer's
Reply:stop the cause

Please help with INGROWN HAIR, REDNESS and stopping SKIN IRRITATION!!!?

I have stupid ingrown hair around my eyebrows. SUPER ANNOYING. I have had it for a few years. I use to just get frustrated and try to dig the hair out (ya i know...stupid). I don't anymore.

I clean some tweezers and when the hair curls under the skin that is now tough, i gently pull it out and wait till it grows out more to pluck it. I want to get rid of the now tougher red skin by my eyebrows. or more tips on how to get rid of ingrown hair!

Please help with INGROWN HAIR, REDNESS and stopping SKIN IRRITATION!!!?

Use a gentile exfoliant every day to remove built up dead skin cells that can clog the surface of your skin and trap hair, causing it to become ingrown. Exfoliating pads, loofahs, and mild scrubs work well. Look for cleansers that contain Salicylic acid.

Witch Hazel is a fantastic remedy !!! But only apply as needed.

For razor burn and razor bumps, pat the effected area with apple cidar vinegar.

Simply put aloe vera on the effected area. This also helps with razor bumps.

Baby rash cream works wonders. After u shave rub some on.

Reply:There is a cream you can get for ingrown hairs, though i don't know how effective it is. Its called Legole Anti Ingrown Hair Aqua Conditioner and is available at Priceline and Priceline Pharmacies, Shaver Shops
Reply:well hello:) umm a good idea would be sum vitaman e(28000 ui) oil around the area, also try using soft exfoliationing soaps like honey or vanilla cream, when u do ur eye brows use achohal to clean the area usally 70% achohal works, along w. a very strong condisioning cream after that should take care of the redness.

Which method of hair removal reduces skin irritation and is a good long term fix?

What method of hair removal do you reccommend (besides shaving)? I'd be willing to save money for an expensive procedure. I just want to find a good way to remove hair before my wedding in a year.

I have excessive, dark hair on my stomach (I was told that it is a hormonal problem known as "hirsutism"). I read that a doctor can help me prevent more hair growth, but the existing hair will remain unless I use a hair removal method.

I would either like to use laser treatment or Electrolysis for my stomach. But I read that Electrolysis might leave scars. How severe are the scars?

For my legs, I could settle for a short term fix, like waxing. Does waxing irritate the skin?

I'd go with laser treatment, but I read that it can take 4-10 sessions to get rid of hair completely. Does that mean that I would have to deal with somewhat hairy legs for months?

My concern with Electrolysis is scars.

I'd appreciate any advice or information, thanks.

Which method of hair removal reduces skin irritation and is a good long term fix?
Since there's an excessive amount of hair in that area maybe laser would be a better choice. I've been getting laser hair removal on my face and now on my 5th treatment. My skin is darker toned so they had to use a special laser. It was a little painful for me the first time and right after the procedure there was some redness but it goes away. About maybe five days post (every) treatment the hair began to grow back but then fell out on its own after a week or so! If you can't deal with the regrowth for a week it's okay to shave it or even better use an electronic trimmer so that you don't get razor bumps, I've seen small ones that are better to use on the body. Any other ways of removing hair (during the laser treatments) can disturb the hair follicles and probably irritate the skin even more because I noticed the area treated becomes more sensitive.

After the first treatment, and falling out of regrown hair, the hair did grow back again but slower than usual. When I got to the next sessions I noticed the hair didn't grow back for weeks (well after the regrowth fell out first) or until it was time for another session. After some time the hair grows back lighter and finer. It's takes patience but I love it because it lasts and I don't have to worry about removing the hair every three days.

I think electrolysis is good to use for very small areas. With electrolysis a tiny needle is darted into each hair follicle and that can be very painful, more so than laser. I also think that this way of removing hair can be very irritating to the skin being that an instrument is sticking the area repeatedly. So yeah scars are more likely to appear with this procedure.

Waxing can irritate the skin but can be prevented sometimes. Maybe you can use a natural wax that's gentler on the skin. I don't wax my legs but I do wax my eyebrows. To reduce irritation after I wax my eyebrows I wait about 5 min then rinse with cold water, pat dry, then apply aloe vera gel which helps heal skin and get rid of redness. The redness goes away in minutes and the area is no longer irritated. Maybe that can work after waxing the legs too! I use the clear aloe vera gel instead of the green one because of the funny smell it has. The green aloe vera gel smells because it has a numbing ingredient (lidocaine I think) which is probably better to use if there's itching or burning sensation after waxing.

Whatever you do, I suggest you rule out the electrolysis because of the high risk of damaging your skin. I'm sorry about my long answer lol!

Good luck with your decision and congradulations wife to be!
Reply:Most definately, Lazor
Reply:I would try waxing, it shouldn't irritate the skin or anything of that sort. After a week or two bumps might appear, but that is about it! :)

As for an actual "fix", Look into laser treatment and see if there are any alternatives available.

Reply:for your beauty needs and skin care u can get various tips

from www.beautytocare.blogspot

Reply:Plucking (tweezing), Shaving, Depilatory creams and Waxing are temporary hair removal methods. Waxing usually lasts for 3 weeks, but it is painful. Electrolysis and laser hair removal are "permanent" hair removal methods but are expensive and you have to find a trained professional, otherwise your skin could be damaged. A review of the various hair removal methods is available at

sword fern

What are the possible reasons for skin irritation?

(e.g., itching on external skin - like arms) when extremely tired?

What are the possible reasons for skin irritation?
itchy cream , itchy clothing , or an allergy break out.

Can someone help me with my dogs skin irritation?

My dog has some slight hair loss, the hair that is left is getting a reddish tint, and her skin is getting discolorations. The hair that is turning red is only in the spot of the discoloring skin.

Can someone help me with my dogs skin irritation?
Dog Health:

Hot Spots

Hot spot(s) occur usually in the dog, and are characterized by red, inflamed patches of skin which can ooze a clear or yellowish discharge.

These areas are extremely sensitive to the dog, and actually are a result of the dog constantly licking, biting, or scratching an area of skin until raw and inflamed. The cause of a hot spot can be a number of things, but usually anything which can result in the release of histamine or other "mediators of inflammation" as in cases of allergies, can start the process.

Stings from insects, scratches, small scrapes or wounds, all can be enough to cause the release of these inflammatory mediators, which start the itch-scratch cycle. What makes a hot spot different from another self-induced skin lesion known as an acral lick granuloma, is that the hot spot is usually created within hours. The acral lick granuloma takes days to months to form.

Also, the hot spot can occur anywhere on the body, and is less likely to occur on the limbs, where acral lick granuloma tends to form mainly on the limbs. Both of these conditions however, can be started from the release of inflammatory mediators in the area on the skin affected.

Treatment of the hot spot usually involves clipping the hair around the area of skin affected. This region is then cleansed with mild soap and water, and topical cortisone products, or anti-histamine products are applied. The main emphasis of treatment is geared towards keeping the dog from scratching at the area, as this is what started the hot spot in the first place.

Sometimes covering the area if possible, or putting a sock over the dog's foot to prevent scratching is advised. Clipping the nails helps as well. If an underlying cause is found such as an allergic condition, treatment with oral medication is then advised. Usually this is associated with multiple hot spot lesions. Single small lesions tend to respond well to topical therapy alone.

Your Pet's Skin %26amp; Coat Health

One common malady that occurs with temperature changes is problems with a dog or cat's skin and coat.

Let's define "healthy skin and coat" so we're clear about what is considered "normal." Don't confuse "normal" with "common."

Every day in my practice I see pets that have unhealthy skin and coats (usually due to improper nutrition) - so less than optimum is actually quite "common." I've often thought a normal skin/coat condition was actually quite uncommon! Using your senses of touch, vision and smell you will begin to recognize the character of a "normal" or "healthy" skin and coat
Reply:It could just be a "hot spot" these are common in some breeds (English Bulldogs for example). However hair loss and skin irritation could be much more. Ringworm and mange can cause both symptoms. Take your pup to the vet to make sure and hope its just an allergy.
Reply:could be food allergies... try not to feed any grains...oats, rice, flour, corn... go for a higher protein diet.

That might mean taking her off whatever dog food you are feeding her... and feed her low fat cottage cheese... and raw meat... cut up some stewing meat...or rabbit or fish and see what happens.
Reply:Yes - a vet, and only a vet, can help you. No one on here has examined the dog, so please don't take any notice of any treatment they may 'prescribe' to you!

It could be flea allergic dermatitis, or some other form of allergy, or it could be a hot spot (area of localised skin irritation). All these things require attention from a vet.

Reply:you could try tea tree shampoo/ oil to sooth th skin and it would stop any itching.
Reply:sounds like flea infestation and or allergies .. make sure she has no fleas, try changing her food to a high quality dry kibble ( lamb and rice based) see what happens after a week....
Reply:it sounds like hot spots/food allergy. but the hair loss seem a bit odd..

for peace of mind, please go to a vet. nothing beats it.. you can have all the best advices in the world, but it is only when you go t a vet that you could be sure of what really is going on. theyre the professionals..

and besides, the earlier the condition is detected, the more effective treatment is. a vet checkup is a small price to pay for your dog's long time over all health. :)

Has anyone else had severe skin irritation due to Proactiv?

Any other ideas for clear skin? I am severly allergic to benzoyl peroxide.

Has anyone else had severe skin irritation due to Proactiv?
I didn't care much for proactive. It really dried out my skin and when I stopped using it I broke out worse than I ever had in my life and my skin has never been the same since. :(
Reply:best tip

1) Don't Drink Soda

2) Lay off on Bread

3) Drink LOTS of water whenever u can

4) if you have a side bang or full bang, pull it back at night because you don't realize it but particales in your band can make it simple to expose to your skin, which is why you might get ance from a bang or just your forhead

5) sleep with a satin pillow case (it's good for you hair to)
Reply:I used it for a while years ago and loved it. About a month in, I started getting a rash.
Reply:I am not allergic to benzoyl peroxide but Proactiv didn't work for me it just irritated my skin. But you might want to try this:

I have not tried it personaly but it is free of benzoyl peroxide, although the price is a little steep. If this isn't something for you try going to a dermatologist. That might be your best bet because he can prescribe something specifically for you. Good Luck! =)
Reply:Heck no! i love pro active! i use it all the time! if you get irritated skin you can use it less or you can ask a doctor for medication that you can use if it is needed.

What should I do with skin irritation of face?

About 2 days ago I used Jessica Simpson's line of flavored perfume for the first time. Afterwards, I had little red bumps all across my chest and the back of my neck. I also noticed that it's on my forehead and chin as well though you can't see it unless you look closely. It's mostly all gone away now except for my chin. It's REALLY REALLY itchy and whenever I touch it, it feels really dry, like when I touch it it feels like it should be flaking like dry skin does but when I look in the mirror, you can't see anything wrong, no flaking or anything. I think the perfume caused all of this since it was the first time I ever used it and that's the only new thing I've used.

What should I do? Are there any ointments or anything I should try? What do you think it is?

What should I do with skin irritation of face?
Sounds to me like you're allergic. Try some Benedryl cream and avoid using the perfume again!
Reply:i guess wash it very clean and use maybe an anti itch cream?
Reply:Try eumovate cream.its for allergie..but ask ur doctor 1st.............
Reply:You should really read the back of the bottle. sounds like you had an allergic reaction to the product; i would vist the doctor first then take it from there.
Reply:with a cotton ball damp with milk clean the area several times about every other hour.

plant tables

Help!!!My dog has this weird skin irritation on her skin what is it details...?

It is on her elbow it's dry yet in the middle there is this bump and it looks like it has something in it not sure if it is pus. She has had dry skin there since a puppy so has her brother( my other dog) but hers got really bad lately much worse maybe because we recently dug some dirt in the backyard and now there is a lot of dirt and plus we live in Arizona.

look at the pics please it isn't disgusting:

Help!!!My dog has this weird skin irritation on her skin what is it details...?
the pictures are pretty blurry and hard to see.. but i recommend calling your vets and getting their advice.
Reply:Hard to see, but I think it might be boils. That is a pus-filled wound that really needs to be drained fast!

See a vet now or she could get a horrible infection.

It might also be tumours. See a vet, they are probably not cancerous, but be safe,s ee a vet NOW!
Reply:Get her to the vet to have checked out, definitely not something normal
Reply:Well, your pics are a little blurry, but I can definitely see a bright red angry spot on her! Call your vet and make an appoinment or at least talk to a technician and hopefully they can give you proffesional information! Could be an allergic reaction, but to the dirt is unknown?! It could really be ANYTHING, so I'd call the vet and get your baby to the doctor!!! Good luck!
Reply:Looks like skin ulcers use sulfa and make a paste with it an peroxide keep wrap ed for a few days it will clear up
Reply:Those pics are hard to see. It could be a granuloma that has gotten infected. What little you can see it looks very red and irritated, make an appointment with your vet.
Reply:sorry, but it's hard to tell since the 1st %26amp; 3rd pictures are blurry , it could be a hot spot

a hot spot is caused by allergies %26amp; the dog will

bite @ it since it itches alot , if that is the case

the vet will know by looking @ it %26amp; will give you

medicine for it

only the VET will know the BEST answer , good luck
Reply:Your dog's skin might have cracked open a bit from being so dry and gotten bacteria inside causing it to form that bump. Even though its kinda gross, you can drain the pus and then clean it up with bactine or neosporin then bandage up the dogs leg so it can heal a bit. I wouldn't be too freaked out about it but if it gets worse definitley call the vet.
Reply:take her to the vet

Over the counter aid for acid related skin irritation?

I need the best method for treating skin irritated by exposure to battery acid. Preferably something over the

Over the counter aid for acid related skin irritation?
It sounds as if contact with the battery acid occurred some time ago. If so, keep the area clean using mild soap. The remaining irritation will remain until it heals up, which may take days.

If the contact occurred recently, remember to wash the affected area with water and you can opt to "neutralize" the acid using either milk or a baking soda paste (which is made by mixing baking soda with water) on the area and washing the area clean with mild soap.

If the acid burn is somewhat severe, you may wish to apply some antibiotic ointment to minimize chances of developing an infection. using standard hand lotions which have chemicals and scents that may actually irritate the skin further.
Reply:i rub the refried beans in my burns at 2X1 tacos.

I need to help with a skin irritation...?

My boyfriend works on an on-shore rig drilling for natural gases. They recently switched to oil-based mud.

His hands have had an allergic reaction to the mud. He wore gloves but it still got to his skin. His hands look white, and have little white bumps all over them. The skin looks dry to me. He says that it does hurt.

He was saying he should use vinegar on them, but I wanted to see if anyone knew a little bit more about the subject and could offer some helpful advice in how to help his hands....

Thanks in advance!!

I need to help with a skin irritation...?
He might need cortisone from a doctor. Eucerin has a great line of soothers, moisturizers, etc. They helped a lot with my skin disorder.
Reply:Try Hydro-Cortisone ointment. It makes the itching and irritation go away. I use it for my eczema.
Reply:Is it the mud or the gloves? Some gloves are SO impervious to moisture that they trap it making hands look like bathtub prunes. Could be a latex problem, or something else. Either way it's not normal - he needs to go to his company's med person and get it documented (and hopefully gets either med relief or a change of venue).

What can I use to help skin irritation on my face?

Lately my face has become somewhat irritated. Not sure what the cause is. I think it is because of this laundry detergent I have been using. But not completely sure.

Is there a face cleanser or anything at all that I can use to help my skin on my face? It sort of burns and feels like it is on fire some times.

Please help me as I dont want the skin on my face to get worse. Thank you for your help in advance.

What can I use to help skin irritation on my face?
Drink plenty of water and use clearisil on it, with a non greasy moisturiser.
Reply:Aveeno lotion is is made with oatmeal and is very soothing.
Reply:I don't recommend any irritating or strong products, they will make it worse. Try switching your laundry detergent to something unscented. Also try Clinique products, they are all unscented and allergan free. Try using a mild exfoliant and then applying a thin coat of oil free lotion.
Reply:if your using something right now for it make sure it doesn't have any oils in it. Oils will irritate it more. my suggestion is maybe try calimin lotin or alo vera (alo vera might stop the burning)

asparagus fern

Monday, November 16, 2009

Aftershave / Eau de Toilette: Skin irritation and rash? Any ideas of chemical?

Every time I use an eau de toilette, my skin gets very irritated and an itchy rash develops. It occurs with both cheap and expensive ones. However, it does not occur with lotions like nivea for men aftershave or woodspice.

does anybody know of the the chemical that liquid sprays contain that is causing this problem?

many thanks.

Aftershave / Eau de Toilette: Skin irritation and rash? Any ideas of chemical?
i get this aswell wheni use certain perfumes

dont know name of the chemical
Reply:whether it be eau de parfum or ear de toilette, it's going to have alcohol in it, which may cause your [sensitive] skin to rash. each toilette has different ingredients in it for the fragrance, but all have alcohol
Reply:Eau de toilette is a combination of scented oils and alcohol. The concentration of alcohol is higher in an eau de toilette than in a parfum. Some people who can't wear eau de toilette can wear a parfum. It's probably the alcohol in the eau de toilette that's drying/irritating your skin. You might try an after shave with a lower alcohol content.

Edit - Here's some information I found at the link below:

Perfume is a combination of fragrant oils diluted in a high-grade alcohol in a concentration containing about 15-25 percent oil, the alcohol being about 90-95 percent pure. This is a parfum. Any mixture with a lower proportion of oil to alcohol is an eau (water).

There are different strengths of eau, their names measure the strength of a fragrance, or what percent of pure perfume oil the product contains. It does not affect the smell (they will smell the same) but will affect how long the fragrance will last on your skin.

EDC - Eau de cologne is the least concentrated form of a fragrance

(2 - 5% perfume oil dissolved in water and alcohol), then comes...

EDT - Eau de toilette (4 - 10%), followed by....

EDP - Eau de parfum (8 - 15%), and finally the most concentrated....

PARFUM or Perfume (15 - 25%).

Since the perfume oil is the expensive ingredient, price goes up accordingly with the strength.
Reply:Beet alcohol do not use EDT on your face aftershave or anything other like this If want to keep young looking skin.

When men shave we exfoliate our skin thus removing a thin layer of skin.So with this it would be better to find a lotion for men or women to use. I have been using the smart cream from La Prairie for a long time .People do not believe me when i tell of my age.There are other products you can use.

Just find the one that works best for you.But remember that skin is skin even if its on a girl or a boy it is all the same,

so it is better for you to calm your skin than to irritate it .

so when you use EDT or others start at your legs and work up.

fragrances rise up.But never on your face Aftershave leave that for your grandfather.His skin is old and tired.
Reply:It maybe the alcohol in the Aftershave that is irritating your skin, try buying alcohol free..

Am I having a skin irritation or something else?

This is a sort of off beat question, A few days ago,II shaved my vagina, and inner thigh area, I sprayed victoria secret on my inner thigh and outside skin of my private area, I sometimes use stick deodarant down in that area, as well, and for the past couple of days, I've been having a sort of burning long should it be before it goes away, because I 'm still feeling a slight burning senstation in my inner thigh area, which is accompanied by a little redness

Am I having a skin irritation or something else?
I don't know how long it's going to take for it to go away. But you should never spray perfume down there especially if you just shaved. Unless it's meant to be used on or around your vagina don't use anything else. Try Summer's Eve
Reply:You probably have grown an allergy to either the products your using or maybe even the razor or whatever you use to shave. Try a hypoallergenic products. You might want to give it a rest for a few weeks until the irritation dissipates. Try moisturizing lotion, too.

What is this itchy skin irritation my family has been dealing with lately?

The 4 of us at times itch. It's not all over but rather a dot here and a dot there that itches intensely. It starts as a dot that I scratch a few times and it turns all red. When the itching subsides in about 10 minutes, the red fades and I'm left with a faint pink dot. I've had them on my foot, hand, arm, shoulder but the worst is right at my bikini line and the same with the others.

Does anyone know if a skin yeast infection could be it?

And just for background, I'm using the same laundry products, which are all naturally derived, and our house is pretty clean. I vacuum several times a week, etc.

What is this itchy skin irritation my family has been dealing with lately?
It could be mites. You can have these even in a clean house. They are spread from person to person though skin contact or contact with a place they have been sitting or sleeping. You can't see the mites but they get under the skin.

Do a search on mites +rash in yahoo and you can find a lot of information on this.

Another thing to consider would be bedbugs. Have you travelled lately and stayed in a motel? They have become extremely bad in some areas, especially New York, because they are spread when people travel. Those, too, can be researched on yahoo. There has been a lot in the news lately about these.
Reply:Sounds like dry skin.

Does bird mites cause skin irritation?

My skin has been breaking out with itchy bumps.I have been to the doctor and everything is fine. He said it could be contact dermatitis or a food allergy. I have birds and they have mites, I literally feel them walking on me, What are the possible solutions?

Does bird mites cause skin irritation?
Hell yes!
Reply:wear gloves when handling the birds....and long sleeves ..

Can vitamin supplements cause skin irritation?

I recently started taking a daily multi-vitamin and since have been noticing red spots/skin peeling on my face? (My sun exposure has been very limmited too.) Has this happened to anyone else before?

Can vitamin supplements cause skin irritation?
You can have a reaction to anything. Stop taking the supplements and if the red spots continue, call your doctor.
Reply:I've taken supplements for many years and have not had a skin reaction, however I've had red spots surface on my face as the result of facial cleansing products. For me, the culprit ingredient was alcohol, which is found in nearly all cleansing products (even Aveeno bar soap has alcohol in it). You mentioned that your skin is peeling, which generally is due to dryness or a sunburn. Alcohol is a very drying ingredient - take a look at the ingredients in your face soap, perhaps you are having a reaction to it. (This can happen to us, even when we have used a product for a long time.)

My dog has a skin irritation....?

i need help. my dog has a horrible itch that we just can't get rid of. it started back in june and when we took him to the vet, she said that he had fleas (we took care of that problem). since then, he was still having the issue, so we took him back and the vet said that there was some kind of fungus. she gave him a cortisone shot, an antibiotic and a medicated shampoo. the whole time that he was on the antibiotic, he was fine. now he's having the same issue again and he's so miserable. we have taken him to a different vet and they pretty much did the same thing (antibiotic, cortisone shot and medicated shampoo). i have changed to hypo-allergenic everything (detergent to wash his bed, shampoo and i even watch how i clean the house in case i'm giving him the irritation), i give him a bath twice a week and he just can't shake the itch. anybody have any ideas? thanks in advance.

My dog has a skin irritation....?
What are you feeding your dog?

Would you be opposed to adding a clove of garlic (chopped up) to his food? Garlic is great for clearing up bacterial stuff. Don't overdo it - I give about 1 clove a day to my guys (20 lb dogs).

You may be seeing a skin irritation from the food that you're giving him. Since you've considered other options that might be what's causing it.

Dr. Pitcairn's book about dog and cat nutrition may help you:

Good luck!
Reply:Call the vet and ask if you can give him/her benadril - it worked for my dog
Reply:Your dog may have food allergies, or you could be drying out the dog's skin by over-bathing (depends on the dog can't be washed more than once a month or she gets dry skin). I am assuming you are using dog shampoo; you never want to use human hair products on a dog.

If I were you, I would try to switch food to a high-quality dog food (such as Canidae) with a different source of meat than your dog is currently eating. (Make sure to transition the food slowly). I would also not bathe the dog that much unless you know that your breed can handle such frequent bathing. I hope the dog gets better soon!!
Reply:Too much antibiotic and cortisone might be dangerous in the long term and even, create secondary problems.

Maybe an hypoallergenic conditioner to soothe the skin could give him some relief

(at least temporary) also check his claws and his teeth.
Reply:he may have an allergies try cutting out all wheat corn %26amp; soy products from his diet, get him on healthy food like solid gold avo derm, wysong, eagle pack but make sure it is wheat free! it will take a little bit to stop once u do this but is this is the problem u should see a difference in a couple of weeks he will not be totally better but he u will notice not as much itching and stuff. also it is winter so the heat can be drying out his skin just like us so dont bathe him for a long time if he stinks just use the old listerin(gold kind) put it in a squirt bottle and spray him with it the listerine smell goes away after a few minutes and so does the doggie smell, plus it is anti bacterial!!
Reply:It could very well be an allergy to the food you are feeding him . Some dogs are wheat intolerant and if the food you are giving him contains wheat this could contribute the problem.

You could try adding a teaspoonful of Evening Primrose Oil to his food once a day. This is very good for dry skin

I would definitely look into changing his food. If you can buy something which is gluten free, e.g. Wafcol Salmon %26amp; Potato in the UK, or the equivalent if you are in the States,you may find that this may do the trick.

I do hope you can solve the problem. It must be wretched for him to have to suffer so much.
Reply:I wouldn't be bathin him twice a week for itching... bathing him just stips his coat all the natual oils to keep his skin moisturized, which may cause itching because his skin is dry..

I'm not sure about your problem though, but I would certainly not bathe him as much... it's not going him any good at all.
Reply:Why don't you try changing your soap? Even the medicated ones are full of chemicals and other things that can really dry him out. My dog has had dry skin since puppyhood and we have been using a really great soap ever since then. It's a soap that's made by Three Dog Bakery ( I don't know if you have a store near you, but if not, they can ship it to you.

The soap is actually a bar soap, that's all natural and made with Oatmeal, Goat's Milk and Citronella (acts as a natural bug repellent). It's the only one they sell, and it costs $6 per bar. It lathers wonderfully, smells great and lasts forever! That one bar of soap lasts us several months!
Reply:Why don't you just ask the vet what long-term solutions there are? They helped you at first - why not go back for more?

We don't know what's wrong with your dog, and therefore we can't suggest treatments. I can suggest not bathing twice a week though - that will be inactivating any flea treatment you use for one thing! And will not help with itching, it only dries the skin out.

You really need to keep working with a vet.


Lax helmet chin strap - skin irritation/acne?

i just started playing lax and the chin strap (seems like a generic plastic material) causes a lot of irritation on my chin made get a few bad pimples. this prob happens because my chin sweats like crazy when it is on. anyway to modify the chin strap to reduce the sweat?

Lax helmet chin strap - skin irritation/acne?
This is what I do with my Kevlar strap:

You have to wash it at least once a week (when I am in the field I make sure it gets a good washing to break up all the dirt and sweat and grime)

Before practice, try to place a small pad around your chin, and place your helmet on over it. It should provide a good cushion between your chin and the chinstrap.

Before you place your strap on, apply a thin thin thin coat of lotion, preferably an unscented one that has aloe vera in it, around your chin. Then place the pad, and then don your helmet.

I hope this works for you!! It works great for me.
Reply:You could insert a cloth or chin pad. However, make sure you wash it or rub alcohol over it after every use. This will get rid of the oil and dirt and not work it into your skin.
Reply:go to a sport store and get a better chin strap. That generic crap will cause more problems in the future than just pimples....

china lily

Is this a skin irritation?

It's been a few weeks, but I noticed a round (nickle-sized) red splotch just above my right nipple. It's very dry and itchy, to the point that skin is flaking off. Any ideas as to what this could be?

Is this a skin irritation?
At this point it could be only a nickle size dry skin go to a walk in clinic in your town, have them get a wee little sample %26amp; they'll send off to a lab, usually takes 5 days...I've been going thru this same shock %26amp; drama for a year now-started same way as yours...a little red area near girlfriend-was cancer, breast removed 6 months ago, my clinical trial as of now %26amp; shrinking her huge mass that grew from a lil spot to an image like 3 big cookies stacked up on the other, mom's is shrinking from here treatment, but I'm still scared of the daughter, today made appointment at my mom's same walk in clinic. She has a lil bean size mass, already a momogram, not good, advised to see a surgeon.

Breast Cancer is sneaky,might have been laying there for a year or 2...but, do not wait, go now.

If you do have a bad report %26amp; have no insurance, you can get into a clinical trial,free treatment. No you won't be a guinea pig, you'll get the finest of treatment %26amp; monitoring with papers telling you that U can pull out at anytime if you choose, %26amp; if something isn't healing or going right--they will take you out of the trial.

Should U need it---here's how I found my mom's clinical trial treatment-----IF U live in Alabama (which ever state)..go to search %26amp; type in Alabama cancer center...%26amp; go from there.These Dr's are highly recognized,educated %26amp; have dedicated work history in their field. My mom's Dr's are featured on CNN %26amp; Headline News for outstanding work %26amp; achievements in Breast Cancer,Treatment %26amp; Breast Cancer awareness...I have soooo much hope now that I'm going to be able to have my mama around for 20 more years-or longer.

Bless U Dear,Don't wait---go ASAP