Saturday, April 24, 2010

Can i use blue star ointment on my poodle for his skin irritation?

(blue star ointment is usually for ringworm) my poodle has been knawing around his belly/groin area. there are little red patches from the chewing, and i thought blue star might help. i have used anti-itch cream and triple antibiotic ointment, and neither seemed to help.

Can i use blue star ointment on my poodle for his skin irritation?
This is an old remedy suggested by my vet many years ago..Mix douche powder with white Vaseline, until it makes a paste. . apply as soothes, promotes healing, and contains mild antibiotics and anti fungals. .. it does no harm if they lick it..This stuff really works1
Reply:I wouldnt recommend that. The pup will likely lick the ointment %26amp; get ill. There are several ointments on the market that are non-toxic and will help heal the skin. I put aloe on my dog at times. But it might be an allergy. The pup can have benedryl. It is usually 1mg per lb. (25lb dog = 1 pill) If the bumps go away there is likely an allergy.
Reply:I am a dog breeder of labs for 12 years DO NOT!!!! put blue star ointment on the dog go to the pet store or even Wally world(Wal-mart) they have a spray that's for that sounds like your dog has eczema or just dry skin try putting some baby oil on where it is rashy Good luck
Reply:dont do dat !!! i got a poodle its proably itching from shampoo. poodles r allergic to oatmeal and wheat shampoos. wash yo dog in warm water with a gentle shampoo but make sure it dont have oatmeal or wheat in it !! tha same thing happend to me and i have 4 poodles so take it from a pro!!! email me and let me know how it went wit tha poodle! i love dogs and i loe hearing about them i hope it feels better
Reply:The benadryl the person suggested earlier could work. I also have a great shampoo you can use if you're interested go her

Whats the best way to treat a dogs belly for skin irritation, I think its like a heat rash?

give the dog a warm bath. if the condition persists, seek professional help. It might be a skin condition that can be relieved with medication.

Whats the best way to treat a dogs belly for skin irritation, I think its like a heat rash?
Preventionis better than cure make sure your dog has a sulphur block inn his water this will co0l his blood nanturally all year round but especailly in Summer

Now buy some Aquaseous cream from Supa Saver

cost £ 1.50 and mix some powderd sulphur from the Harware or gardening shop rub this on your dogs sore heat patch he may try to lick it off but he'll do this with any thing just reaply

At leasrt he will be ingesting the Sulphur !!!!!

What medicine or good remedy is there for a skin irritation that looks like a fungal issue.?

I just noticed it a few days ago. There are dark spots under my right army pit that look kind of dry. I'm thinking I should go and grab some Blue star oinment, but if anyone knows of something else, please tell me. Thanks!

What medicine or good remedy is there for a skin irritation that looks like a fungal issue.?
Blue Star for everything...
Reply:Please, go to your doctor. If you can't afford one, ask a pharmacist. They sometimes know more than doctors do. They have to know about every prescription out there. Andrew
Reply:you should go and check to doctor.or try the ostrich is very useful
Reply:from wht I've seen on the web color of skin fungus re,orange yellow but sa no black-always though black meant dead skin-blood supply cut off so it dies-black(also happens whe freezes) I'd go see a Dermatologist to ascertain exactly what it is. But for Fungus a very effective home remedy is Braggs Brown Unprocessed Vinegar(get any health food store)Vinegar is known to destroy bacteria,fungus and used since before the time of the Romans. Can put on spots full strength but if very sensitive skin can dilute with a little bit of water. NEEM-also gotten at health food store is also a effective anti-fungal treatment-Neem Oil is the best for also comes in a cream. Neem Oil comes from India and has other beneficial uses-also good against acne-bacteria.
Reply:do go to see a doctor so he can look at it

Does anyone else have the same problem I do? Skin irritation and trouble removing the sticky residue.?

Estrogen patches.

Does anyone else have the same problem I do? Skin irritation and trouble removing the sticky residue.?
Sounds like you might want to see a Dr.


What can be done to get rid of a skin irritation after touching green peppers?

Take Benadryl. It's probably just a little allergy.

What can be done to get rid of a skin irritation after touching green peppers?
Believe it or not but the dock leaves rubbed over the hands will kill the stinging. They are superb if your are stung by nettles when you are out.
Reply:Just wear plastic gloves before you touch green peppers
Reply:try putting some live yoghurt on it - honestly it is great for burns (minor only) and such irritations as yours - very soothing.

Don't use flavoured yogs or similar.

If it doesnt ease see your GP.
Reply:you have an allergy perhaps so don't touch green peppers.
Reply:Bathe it with warm salty water.

Does anyone have a suggestion for treating a stubborn skin irritation on the male genitalia?

This area was cultured and it came up gram positive enterrococcal bacteria. The area was weeping at first and has improved, but the area is still irritated, red and sensitive. My partner and I have been monogamous, and neither one of us has an STD. She has recently suffered from vaginosis and both of us have used Flagell for a week.

Does anyone have a suggestion for treating a stubborn skin irritation on the male genitalia?
they sell a cream for this, it is a anti-fungal and you can get it any pharmacy. Lotromin (spelling--??) My husband used it for his jock itch and it helped alot.

Also if that doesnt work, speak to a derm. most regualer doctors are quacks when it comes to rashes, since there are so many. My hubby was told he was chaffing and ended up the the jock itch for 6 months and got so bad, until he saw a derm and now it cleared up, a little scarred because his was weeping top but much better than the pain and burning. Good luck!
Reply:bacitracin will aid in the healing process and offer extra protection.
Reply:Get some sun on it. UV rays will help.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to decrease skin irritation when shaving?

I'm gonna tell you my secret my husband had the same problem and just for fun i lend him my razor the one i used for my legs with the gel for this purpose like Gillette sensitive skin the gel has aloe and rich nutrient for the skin so it will help a lot try and you'll see. remember razor for the lady and the gel from Gillette both for women.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to decrease skin irritation when shaving?

Reply:Make sure you wash with hot water first,that helps to soften the skin,and use a shaving gel especially for sensitive skin
Reply:I grew a beard :-)
Reply:My fiance tends to use sudacrem as he is prone to skin irritation. He puts it on overnight and just after he shaves. It helps to heal the skin as well.
Reply:I'm a guy who's been shaving without using shaving cream for about 3 years now. So skin irritation isn't really a big problem for me. ;-)
Reply:I use the Venus razor and a gel with lotion in great....Also the hotter the water the more irritated you'll be try usng cooler water
Reply:Shave while in the shower. (but not with an electric shaver)
Reply:Depends on if you are using a razor or an electric shaver. If you are using a traditional razor you should put a light coating of face lotion or baby oil on your face first. You cannot do this with an electric, but a good facial moisturizer put on right after shaving will decrease irritation
Reply:well i hope to find out too.. as electric causes irritation on my neck and wet cuts my face ~:(

but the best thing i have found soo far to reduce both is to have a damn hot bath or shower....and use plenty of gel type shaving gel.

Please note having a hot bath or shower then getting out so your cold will cause your skin to contract and cause goosebumps(even if you cant see them) and will make shaving difficult and the bath or shower pointless.
Reply:hgt water to soften your face and whiskers and a good shaving cream or jell and always a sharp razor
Reply:Wash your face first. Use lots of hot water to soften your facial hair. Leave the shaving cream on your face for 5-10 minutes to soften the beard further. Go with the grain of your face while shaving, not against. Afterwards, close your pores and tighten your skin by splashing cold water on your face. Avoid skin lotions and moisturizers which might irritate your skin.

You might try getting a mirror for the shower and shaving while showering.