Saturday, April 24, 2010

My dog has developed a skin irritation it has a few scabs and she itches it.Any ideas of what it is and to do?

She is having some hair loss but it looks like its due to her itching it and the scabs coming off. What should i do and any ideas of what it is. Thanks

My dog has developed a skin irritation it has a few scabs and she itches it.Any ideas of what it is and to do?
It could just be a bad rash. My dog gets them too. I put peroxide water on it and any antibacterial cream with a bandaid. Do that daily and keep it clean. That should work. Also dont let her scratch it, it makes it worse.
Reply:Your dog has an over reproductive system of parasites bugs that live in the hair cuticle. My dog did. Take your dog to the vet. Spend about 30$ for scraping and $50 in medicine for antiobiotics or ask to dip her in medicine every week It costs about 85$ for 3 dips. Report It

Reply:Sounds like a condition that needs to be treated by the Vet. My dog had the same thing.
Reply:sounds like mange.... look this up online and youll see how to treat it..ok?? hugss for your dog.. this is nasty.. it will continue to itch and they will continue scratching ..scabbing over and hair get this dog some medical attention asap ok?? shes;s going through hell.. jsut like when we itch.. and especially in places she cant reach.. good luck
Reply:give her some benadryl to control the itch. 1 pill for every 25 lbs. it will make her sleepy, so don't panic. but do watch her. put some vaseline on it to ease the irritated site. my dog would have allergic to certain strains of grass, certain floor cleaners, and even some perfumes as a pup, but he has outgrown most of that...then again, i stopped using a lot of that stuff too. make sure there's no hidden fleas, mine got fleas even on their meds. also give the carpet a good hot water steam clean if you've used any new carpet fresheners and the like. i wish you the best!
Reply:I agree with the other poster that it is mange. I do not agree with that poster that said to give your dog benedryl. Do not give your dog any meds, your vet needs to prescribe them. You can do more harm than good or even poison your dog.

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