Friday, November 20, 2009

My dog has skin irritation got some advice?

I have a 2 year old dalmation mixed with a stray dog, this morning when he woke up I immediately noticed that his torso is severely irritated and red some places more then others. I'm taking him to the vet, but does anyone know what it might be.

My dog has skin irritation got some advice?
If it is hot where you are, it could be heat, but also, it could be from fleas. I use Front Line on my dogs, cause they are Boston Terriers and on the areas where they have white hair, they tend to get really red in the hot summer, unless I use Front Line on them. You might want to get some good shampoo from the vet also.
Reply:the only thing i could think of is maybe like a rash or like you said skin irration!

well i hope your doggy feels better!!!
Reply:He could have fleas. Many dogs have allergic reactions to flea bites and will scratch themselves raw. Use Advantage or Frontline to get rid of them. Otherwise, find a soothing cortesone cream and sray or rub it on the affected area. Try not to let him lick it.
Reply:My dogs have skin problems too. I use Hartz medicated shampoo (it's brown - tar) get it at any store. You leave it on 5-10 mins then rinse. I had to bath them 1-2 times a week initially, now just every other week. Their skin has cleared up and they aren't scratching like they use to. If the problem persist check with your vet.
Reply:It could be a million things, and it is pointless to make suggestions here without having seen the lesions.

Your vet will most probably do a skin scraping and look at it under the microscop.

Take it from there.

Reply:bug bites? allergies to something you use on your carpet/floor cleaning or on your grass???

often rashes are indications of food allergies - avoid BEEF, PORK, SOY, WHEAT, and CORN.
Reply:Ask the vet for some prednisone to take down the irritation. Could have got into chiggers or something like laundry detergent on his bedding will do it. Also the shake N vac powder on your carpets can cause rashes.

Bad case of fleas can cause him to bite at the area and cause the red spots.

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