Friday, November 20, 2009

What causes skin irritation and hair loss and how do you stop it?

my dog is really itchy and has bald spots

What causes skin irritation and hair loss and how do you stop it?
There can be a few things. It may be your dogs diet-if the food doesn't have the proper nurtients in it the dog may have really dry skin-there for the itching and scratching-which leads to the hair loss. I have a lab who I have to feed scrambled eggs 2/3 times a week and every so often i put a teaspoon of sunflower oil in with his food. This helps his dry skin and his coat. If this doesn't work he might have hotspots-contact your vet and they will be able to give you some ointment to put on them. They MIGHT also have something at a local pet store. Be sure not to bath your dog often..once every few months is perfect. The shampoo/water drys thier skin out.
Reply:It can be a number of things...mange and/or allergies is the first thing that pops into my head. You will need to have a skin scraping done..the vet will take a tiny sample from you dog and observe it under a microscope for any parasites. Mange can be treated if caught on time.

The vet may want to switch your dog's food, to see if that is the prblem, or he/she may even prescribe some antihistamines, it all depends.

One last thing, it could be hot spots...if these are shaved and cleaned, they usually heal on their own.
Reply:It cd be food allergy but then it cd be because of shedding during summer and they itch when they shed, and because of that there may be spots because the new fur is not out yet.How old is your dog and how long has this been going on?
Reply:one of the main things i have found that cause that would be ring worm the best thing to do is take him to the vet and have him evaluated then he will be given a treatment that will stop that!!!
Reply:This could be many things. It could be that he is allergic to something or maybe has mange or fleas. If he is very itchy, then give him a brush and sit down with him when he is tired and relaxed. Search his hair and then maybe it would be best to go to the vets.
Reply:stop leting you dog in and out of the house when the air is on pluse you dog mite have a allergey take it to the vet
Reply:Like someone else said, it can be due to a number of things and you should have an evaluation/exam done by a qualified vet. Sometimes contact allergies are the cause, but more often you see dogs with food allergies present like this and dogs that have flea allergy. Dogs are most commonly allergic to grains in dog food and you might try a dog food such as EVO (made by Natura) that has no grains. If fleas are the problem, do a search and decide what flea control product would work best for you. I, personally, prefer Advantage for my three dogs.

Good luck with your dog - I know it's upsetting to see them in this condition.
Reply:hotspots. We went to walmart and they have this stuff in the dog section its a yellow liquid in a clear bottle i forget what its called just apply that to the spots and they should clear up
Reply:maybe allergies or flees. If you bath the dog often you may not be getting all the soap you use out of it's fur or bathing it to often which doesn't allow the skin oils to redevelop properly. and it could be that the dog is not getting the right nutrition.
Reply:I pd $3200 for a solid white english bulldog and when she was less than a yr my husband bathed her in AXE shampoo. Needless to say.... all of her fell out. I had this bald, pink fat dog. Anyhoo.... took her to the vet and he put this collar on her. Looked like a generic flea collar, but it worked. We now only bathe her w/baby shampoo.

I suggest you call the local vet and get some professional advise. Doesn't sound very good, but then again it could be really simple!
Reply:My dog has the same problem. It could be many different things. But i think she was allergic to fleas! I gave her a bath in flea shampoo and her hair started growning back! I have a chocolate lab and someone else said the same thing was wrong with their lab, they took theirs to the vet.
Reply:This happened to my Sassy a few months ago. She had a little bald spot just in front of her left ear. I took her to the vet and had a skin scraping test plus an allergy shot that cost ,in total, $80. The test was negative (of course). A few weeks went pass and nothing happened. Didn't clear up or anything. The all of a sudden it went away on it's own. But just to be sure, you should take your love in to be checked out. You never know. Good luck!
Reply:Take your dog to the vet to be assessed. I did and found out that my beagle had a mite that caused itchiness and hair loss. The vet gave him a dose of flea medication and I gave him another dose a week later. After 2 doses that problem was gone.
Reply:I know with my dog it was caused by letting them eat a low quality food. I switched to an all natural type like California Natural - Lamb and Rice. The lamb and rice it higher in fat so I limited the food I fed her. I also bought Safflower oil ( you can buy it at any grocery store ) and poured a little over her food each day. This cured the problem. I hope that helps you out some, I learned this AFTER i took her to the vet several times and spent over $200!!!!!!!
Reply:Complicated issue = could be food allergy, flea dermatitis, allergy to something in your home or yard.

First thing you need to make sure your dog is on a monthly flea preventative, every month without fail, Frontline, Advantix - ask your vet.

Secondly, feed a good quality dry dog food, with meat the first product, not corn or grain. In other words, no supermarket stuff or Walmart. Read the ingredients on the food, look for meat and no chemicals or fillers.

Then take your dog to your vet and have him checked for any obvious manges or allergies.

There are medications for skin problems, chief of which are mild steroids like prednisone which work very quickly to alleviate the problem, but you still need to get to the root of it.

Benadryl can help with the itching, and is over the counter.

Good luck, keep on this until your dog is comfortable, this can be very irritating to your dog.
Reply:We have a cat in the family that gets like that often and a dog that kind of begins to scratch then forgets to stop. Our vet gives us shots of Pretnazone (spelling???) and it helps tremendously. But ask your vet for best results.

Also be sure your house isn't too dry for them or doesn't have bugs that make them itchy.
Reply:It might have tics, mites or fleas. Take it to the vet.
Reply:your dog should see a vet there are many things that make that happen and with out seeing the dog no one would really be able to give you advice with out seeing the dog.
Reply:as i said before, have your dogs thyriod checked, if all else fails. It is one of the most common form of hot spots and very inexpensive to treat.
Reply:hi, are the dry spots moist?

your dog could have HotSpots,its a skin

irritation,its usually caused by feeding yhe

dog human food, or poor quality dog food.

there is medicine,or use a antifungi cream

that humans use its cheaper %26amp; works.

Reply:You should take ur dog to the vet there might be alot of reasons

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