Monday, November 16, 2009

What is causing skin irritation/cracking???

I drive the transit buses, university shuttles for my university... ever since I have been driving the skin on my fingers has gotten really cracked and flaky. The skin on my fingers is just really cracked and doesn't seem to go away.

I deal with fueling buses, checking oil... and i thought it might have been from that.... but since i always wear gloves and never come into contact with it any longer. so it must be the steering wheel???

I've tried: lava soap with the pumice in an attempt to deep clean the cracks; lotion of course; vitamin e oil... used a pumice stone on the flaky parts to smooth out my skin...

overall... i don't know what else to do. please help. thanks!

What is causing skin irritation/cracking???
crack causes cracking
Reply:If all that doesn't work I would go to the doctor.Maybe your doctor will have the answer.Hope your hands feel better.

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